Health And Wellness Articles

Mental Health
In the last few years we have gained awareness of the various needs that individuals with mental health issues need in order to achieve overall well-being. Generally observed in children, behavior disorders can be quite harmful to their mental health, social interaction, and other areas in life. A mental health that impacts negatively on other people is of grave concern, because of how people can be damaged. This movement called for the removing of mentally ill patients from state and private institutions where many times these people received little to no care and treatment.

As medical science continues to point to the indisputable benefits of regular exercise and following a healthy diet, many of us have begun instituting daily routines designed to make us feel healthier and help us live longer. The reality is that any kind of mental health problem and depression can strike any one of us at any time of our lives.

Some therapists suggest that by using positive self-talk and trying to restructure the WAY we look at events can offset the physical and mental effects of dealing with negative or stressful events in life. People who suffer depression and anxiety can often still have good relationships.

If you make a mistake, or many mistakes, you’ll easily lose your mental health, because love plays the most important role in your life and when you are in love you are like a blind slave of the person that imprisons your heart. Anxiety panic attack symptoms are impacting the quality of life of millions of people worldwide.


Mental Health
Most people know that what a person eats has an impact on their physical health. As the patients correct their vision through posturing their body right, they do not correct their mental disposition; which again tends to spoil their posture the way it had done so in the past when the vision problem had taken root for the first time in their life.

However, by choosing certain foods you can reduce your risk of both developing depression and becoming overweight. This not only affects our mental health, but our body health as well. Vision is the first victim to fall prey to the onslaughts of this nexus between the wronged mental health and the wronged body posture.

The research team has also found that stress at work is associated with a 50 per cent excess risk of coronary heart disease, and there is consistent evidence that jobs with high demands, low control, and effort-reward imbalance are risk factors for mental and physical health problems (major depression, anxiety disorders, and substance use disorders).


In the last few years we have gained awareness of the various needs that individuals with mental health issues need in order to achieve overall well-being. CBT techniques can prove to be of great help in treating anxiety, depression and even eating disorders and substance abuse. The times I have been most unhealthy mentally, emotionally, spiritually, I have lacked something very important – something critical for health.

It is not a secret that severe and persistent mental illness like schizophrenia, bi-polar disorder, and major depression can require intense care management and advocacy. What is known is that certain groups of people appear more at risk of developing depression than others.

The clinical profession of human psychology recognizes mental processes, their effects upon human behavior, and even helps treat behavioral or emotional disorders. Depression and anxiety are the most common health conditions. Mental health problems are painful – emotionally, physically, spiritually and socially.

Health & Fitness

Our mental health is not right. Unfortunately, being overweight puts a person at a greater risk of developing depression. Diet, conversations with family and friends, exercise will release all of these feel good chemicals as mentioned above and create positive blood flow in the body which creates a state of well-being.

Mental health affects the anatomical health; which, in turn, affects the physiology of the mind-body system. Depression is a lot more than feeling a bit fed up and down in the dumps, which is something we all experience from time to time and is a natural part of the ups and downs of life.

Behavior Disorders

Mental Health
Mental health is really about how we think and feel about ourselves and the world around us, and about how we behave and interact with others in our day to day lives. Besides all the characteristics of each one’s psychological type, there are many characteristics that are the result of the imitation of other people’s behavior and several other factors that determine the person’s reactions, which are simply inherited and belong to the cognitive mechanism of the human being, who follows behavior patterns like all animals.

We see here that good mental health is not just about the struggles we have living our lives; it’s also how we treat other people. And research has proven that a patients relationship with their family members can positively or negatively affect their mental illness.
People who suffer depression and anxiety can often still have good relationships. Medical and psychological research has shown that video games affect one’s physical and mental health.