Is Live Scan and Fingerprinting the Same Thing? 

The use of fingerprints has been used for identification purposes in the past. This includes law enforcement, screening for employment, and licensing. With technological advancements, however, the term “Live Scan”, has become more common. This brings up an important question: **Is fingerprinting the same thing as Live Scan? They are related but not identical. Explore the differences and see how they’re used today.

Traditional Fingerprinting

Ink is used to print an individual’s fingerprints on a card. It is a simple and reliable method that has been used for many decades. It does have some limitations. For example, the possibility of smudging or errors occurring during the printing process can result in unclear or unusable print. The manual nature of the method also means that fingerprints have to be physically delivered or mailed to a processing center, which adds time to the background-checking process.

Live Scan: What is it?

Live Scan captures fingerprints using a modern electronic technique. Live Scan records fingerprints using a digital scanner, unlike traditional ink-based methods. The process is simple: the person places their fingers on a surface of glass, and the scanner records the digital fingerprint. This method has several benefits, including increased accuracy, reduced mistakes, and elimination of physical ink. Digital fingerprints are quickly transmitted to relevant agencies or databases. This speeds up background checks and identification.


1. Medium: Live Scan is a digital fingerprinting system that uses the same technology as traditional ink and paper.

2. Speed: Live Scan transmits data almost instantly, while traditional fingerprinting involves the physical transportation of fingerprint cards.

3. Accuracy: Live Scan digital captures are more accurate and less likely to contain errors than ink prints.

Popularity and Applications

Live Scan has become increasingly popular among sectors that require background checks such as education, healthcare, and security. Live Scan is now mandated by many jurisdictions for background checks because of its accuracy and efficiency. Traditional fingerprinting still exists, especially in areas that are not equipped with digital technology.

Live Scan is a more efficient and effective method of fingerprinting than traditional fingerprinting. Both capture fingerprints to identify an individual. Live Scan will likely become the standard in fingerprinting as technology advances. It is a quicker, more reliable method than traditional methods.

This post was written by Physicians Choice Medical Billing, LLC. Physicians Choice Medical Billing, LLC has been providing exceptional, and comprehensive Full-Service Practice Management including medical billing, coding, revenue cycle management, credentialing and consulting services to our clients. Whether you are a new startup or an established medical group, PC has the experience and dedication to make your practice a financial success. The staff bring multiple years of experience and dedication. Digital fingerprinting Tampa with Physicians Choice provides the highest quality, professional digital Live Scan fingerprints in a comfortable professional office atmosphere. Physicians Choice offers both individual and corporate account service.… Read More..

Easy and Healthy Alternatives To Consider This Summer

Summer is just around the corner so either you want to have your summer body ready or you’ve finally got the motivation to get things in order. Quitting healthy habits is said to be extremely hard in the winter, so now is your perfect opportunity to turn into your better self and start treating your mind, body and soul with some grace.

The reason why people are much more likely to leave old habits behind in the summer is because you have more energy, your mood is better and the weather is just a huge motivator. It is much easier to commit to something for longer periods of time and not get bored.

So you might be wondering what easy and healthy alternatives you could try to add to your forever routine this year! Let’s dive right in.

Quit Smoking and Vaping

This is number one and as hard as it might seem, as beer gardens and social gatherings are usually where smokers thrive, it’s not good for your overall health and can hinder progress in other areas of your life. Although there are still healthier alternatives you could consider, you aren’t going cold turkey and are weaning yourself away from these habits.

A good choice would be nicopods, nicotine gum or even hypnotism. While this is completely dependent on what you want, it’s good to know there are healthier alternatives available.


Gluten is notoriously bad for us and that’s not to say you need to skip out on carbs altogether; instead, you should indulge in healthier alternatives, leave all the bloating behind and keep things gluten-free. From pasta to pizza, there are tastier options available for those who want to keep gluten out of their diet.


This is an easier way to enjoy the foods you already enjoy but with fewer consequences. From cheese to drinks, you can keep your diet and healthier lifestyle solid by making such a simple swap at the shops. You might be pleasantly surprised at how similar or even better the fat-free options are.

HIIT Instead Of Weight Training

HIIT has been arguably the most successful way to lose weight when compared to any other workout. All over social media, you just see weight training but this isn’t the most effective way to lose weight or achieve overall fitness. HIIT aims to work all of your muscles but you can also train your lungs and get your heart rate up. This aims to do a bit of everything, which is not only great for busy people on the go but it’s also a great way to get your summer body ready.

When you are starting to see the framework or you are at a weight you are happy with, I would suggest eventually adding more weight training sessions to get things toned up. This is all to do with preference but HIIT is the best starting habit to get into.

Final Thoughts

Whether you are trying to change your smoking habits … Read More..

​​Tips For Getting Back On Your Feet After Surgery

Getting back on your feet after surgery, both physically and metaphorically, can be difficult when you feel really drained, whether you’ve had plastic surgery Manchester based or a hip replacement in London. Recovery looks different for everyone, as every surgery is very different and so is what you need to do afterwards. For some surgeries, you won’t walk unassisted for a month. With others, you’ll be expected to be up and walking within hours. So, the most important thing in terms of your recovery is to listen to exactly what your surgeon says, as they know you, your health and your surgery best. However, we’re here with overall tips to help guide you in the right direction.

Fuel Your Body With The Right Foods

Firstly, you need to be fueling your body with the right foods. Surgery takes its toll on your body, both mentally and physically, so it’s important that you are eating enough of the right foods to not only help your body recover, but to give you the energy you need. Eating a balanced diet of protein, carbohydrates, healthy fats and nutrient packed fruit and vegetables will help your body to heal, maintain muscle and also give you the energy you need to start moving again. Depending on the surgery you’ve had there may be some foods you need to avoid, however on the whole, eat a healthy, balanced diet and your body will thank you for it.

Move Whenever Possible

Next, you should be moving whenever possible. Listen to the advice of your surgeon and what movement you should be doing and put your effort into doing it as much as possible (whilst also looking after your body and listening when something doesn’t feel right). Not only is exercise often a key part of a successful recovery, but it’s also good for your mental health, helping you to move around again and have something to focus on. If you’ve had something like a breast augmentation Manchester based, you’ll likely be able to walk pretty much as normal quickly, but will have some rules to follow in terms of lifting your arms above your head for a while. For other people who’ve had something like a knee operation, you’ll have to be much more careful. However, follow the guidance in terms of the movement you should be doing to help you achieve a successful recovery.

Get Plenty Of Rest

Last but not least, get plenty of rest. Whilst you should be moving when you can, sleep and rest are absolutely essential components of a strong and healthy recovery from surgery, as our bodies do the majority of it’s healing when we’re asleep. So, listen to your body and don’t feel guilty for resting or sleeping when it feels right to, as it will massively benefit you in the long run. You might not have a good excuse for so much rest soon, so try to make the most of it whilst you can!… Read More..

The Importance of Reporting Patient Safety Incidents in Hospitals

Hospitals as health service institutions that deal directly with patients must prioritize health services that are safe, quality, anti-discriminatory and effective by prioritizing the interests of patients in accordance with hospital service standards. Patient safety is the patient’s right, patients have the right to obtain security and safety for themselves during the period of treatment in hospital.

In practice, there is the possibility of an incident occurring that could threaten patient safety or what is usually called a patient safety incident. A patient safety incident is an event or situation that can cause or has the potential to cause injury that should not occur. Patient Safety Incidents in hospitals have different types consisting of: Potential Injury Events, Near-Injury Events, Non-Injury Events, Unexpected Events or Adverse Events and Sentinel Events. Sentinel events or kejadian sentinel adalah an Unexpected Occurence that results in death, permanent injury or temporary serious injury and requires intervention to maintain life, both physical and psychological, which is not related to the course of the disease or the patient’s condition.

Patient’s Safety

What is meant by patient safety is the process in a hospital that provides safer patient services including risk assessment, identification and management of risks to patients, incident reporting and analysis, the ability to learn and follow up on incidents, and apply solutions to reduce and minimize the emergence of risks where hospitals create safer care through efforts, identifying risks, managing risks, learning from risks that occur so that they do not happen again in the future. Using jasa satpam to protect hospital security is also a form of hospital security for patients. In simpler terms, it can be said that hospital patient safety is preventing incidents. undesirable things, if they cannot be prevented, efforts will be made to prevent them from happening again, through efforts to learn from mistakes. Safety is a basic principle in patient care and a critical component of quality management.

Patient safety incidents are still a major problem in hospitals where various kinds of services have risks that threaten patient safety in hospitals. Hospital patient safety is a system where hospitals make patient care safer, which includes: Risk assessment, identification and managing matters related to patient risk, reporting and analyzing incidents, the ability to learn from incidents and follow up as well as implementing solutions to minimize the occurrence of risks. Therefore, patient safety is a top guard for hospital to be looked after and easily become one of the major issue that should be taken as priority.

What to Do When an Incident Occurs

In practice, if a patient safety incident occurs in a hospital, it is best to follow the flow of handling patient safety incidents as follows:

1. Every incident must be reported internally to the Patient Safety Team (PST) within 2×24 hours.

2. The report is verified by the patient safety team to ensure the truth of the incident.

3. After verifying the report, the PST team carries out an investigation in the form of interviews and … Read More..

Cara Membersihkan Lumut di Kamar Mandi

Keberadaan lumut di kamar mandi pasti mengganggu pemandangan. Kamar mandi yang berlumut terkesan kotor dan lembap. Bukan hanya itu, lumut di lantai kamar mandi juga bisa berbahaya karena licin dan berisiko membuat seseorang terpeleset. 

Lumut merupakan tanaman berwarna hijau, tidak memiliki akar, batang, dan bunga. Tanaman ini hanya menempel pada permukaan dan bisa menyerap air. Kamar mandi merupakan tempat yang banyak ditumbuhi lumut karena lembap. Nah, untuk membersihkan lumut di kamar mandi, Anda bisa menggunakan karbol murah.

Selain itu, ada beberapa hal yang bisa dilakukan untuk menghilangkan lumut di kamar mandi, berikut ulasannya!

  1. Menggunakan Soda Kue

Salah satu hal yang bisa Anda lakukan untuk menghilangkan lumut di kamar mandi adalah menggunakan soda kue. Perlu diketahui, soda kue bersifat menyerap kelembapan suatu ruangan. Saat mengaplikasikan soda kue, ruangan akan lebih kering sehingga pertumbuhan lumut bisa dicegah.

Lalu, bagaimana cara menggunakannya? Pertama, Anda harus menyiapkan soda kue dan air. Masukkan soda kue sebanyak ¼ sendok makan dalam botol semprot dan tambahkan air. Campurkan kedua bahan ini sampai soda kue menjadi larut. Setelah itu, semprotkan campuran tersebut ke dinding berlumut. 

Langkah terakhir adalah menggunakan spons untuk membersihkan dinding yang berlumut. Pastikan Anda memilih spons yang lembut agar tidak menggores dinding. Setelah itu, siram dinding dengan air. 

  • Menggunakan Cuka

Selain soda kue, Anda juga bisa menggunakan cuka untuk membersihkan dinding atau lantai kamar mandi yang berlumut. Cuka merupakan produk yang biasa digunakan sebagai pembersih. 

Caranya, masukkan cuka putih dalam botol semprot yang kosong. Jangan mencampurkan cuka dengan air. Lalu, semprotkan cairan cuka pada dinding berlumut. Diamkan selama satu jam, baru bersihkan. Cuka juga dapat dicampurkan dengan soda kue untuk mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal. 

  • Menggunakan Tea Tree Oil

Siapa yang menyangka jika tea tree oil dapat digunakan untuk membersihkan lumut di kamar mandi. Minyak esensial ini merupakan alternatif yang bisa digunakan jika Anda tidak memiliki soda kue atau cuka. 

Caranya, campurkan 1 sendok teh minyak tea tree dengan 1 cangkir air. Masukkan ke dalam botol semprot, lalu semprot daerah yang berlumut. Gosok dinding berlumut untuk membersihkannya secara maksimal. 

  • Menggunakan Hidrogen Peroksida

Selanjutnya, Anda juga bisa menggunakan hidrogen peroksida untuk menghilangkan lumut pada dinding kamar mandi. Caranya adalah menuangkan hidrogen peroksida dengan konsentrasi 3 persen pada botol semprot. Semprot permukaan dinding yang berlumut.

Tunggu hingga 10 menit, baru gosok daerah yang berlumut sampai semuanya terlepas. Kemudian, bersihkan dinding dengan air sampai semua lumut terlepas. Jangan lupa untuk mengeringkan dinding setelah prosesnya selesai. 

  • Menggunakan Pemutih Pakaian

Pilihan selanjutnya untuk membersihkan dinding kamar mandi yang berlumut adalah pemutih pakaian. Caranya sangat mudah, yaitu dengan menyiramkan cairan pemutih pakaian pada dinding kamar mandi. 

Anda perlu membiarkan pemutih pakaian bekerja selama 30 menit. Setelah itu, gunakan sikat berbulu untuk membersihkan lumut pada dinding maupun lantai kamar mandi. Jika semua lumut sudah terangkat, selanjutnya adalah membersihkan dinding dengan air yang mengalir.

  • Menggunakan Minyak Cengkeh dan Air

Ternyata perpaduan minyak cengkeh dan air juga dapat menghilangkan lumut di kamar mandi. Persiapkan minyak cengkeh sebanyak 15 tetes, campurkan dengan air dalam botol semprot. Lalu, semprotkan cairan tersebut pada dinding kamar mandi yang … Read More..